46%+ Copper Project

Qualified Person for Quebec Isabelle Robillard news release compilation of historics.

Crazy What Love Can Do Copper Project consists of four former copper mines (Memphremagog Mine, Shefford Mine, Logan Mine and Goldspring Mine), a copper-gold showing (Bowers) and a historic gold occurrence (Claim Labonté), all approximately 100 km east of Montreal. 

The Shefford Mine is in the Ely Township and underwent artisanal mining in 1881 and 1901 with a total production of 11.3 tons at 11.0% Cu (SIGEOM, the Geoscience Database of Quebec Government). A shaft was sunk to a depth of 23 m in 1881. The mineralization is described as chalcocite-bornite-calcite veins or in disseminations with historical values of 46.14% Cu and 37.50 g/t Ag assayed from the copper-bearing minerals4. The deposit is defined as a stratiform copper deposit hosted in a dolomitic marble of the White Brook Formation. The area was explored in the fifties with several trenches exposing the mineralized zone for a length of 120 m. It was followed by a drilling program of 24 holes with all holes showing varying quantities of disseminated chalcocite in the footwall portion of the dolomite zone4.

The historic report outlines the drill holes extended the zone 1300 feet on a grid pattern from the Shefford Mine shaft.

The Logan Mine is located about 8 km south of the Shefford Mine in the Stukely Township and mas mined from two pits around 1850 until 1864, with a total production of 4.5 tons at 20% Cu5. The mineralization consists of quartz-calcite vein/veinlets with chalcocite and occasional bornite and ilmeno-hematite. The veins are hosted in a quartz-sericite schist (Mansville Complex). Grab samples collected during a metallogenic study returned 5,07 % Cu, 4,87 % Zn, 36,0 g/t Ag et 0,88 % Cd and 0,81 % Cu et 7,0 g/t Ag5.

The Goldspring Mine and Bowers copper-gold showing are located 15 km North of Shefford Mine, in Melbourne Township and are contained in the same claim block. Past mining operations at the Goldspring Mine are evidenced by the presence of old trenches, pits, and stockpiles, although the production of the Mine remain uncertain as tonnage and grade are unknown. A historic report dating of 1863 states that a grab sample returned 7% Cu4. Mineralization is described as bornite and chalcocite in quartz-calcite veins. The veins are hosted in finely banded, quartz-sericite schists. The site was visited during a metallogenic study in 1985 and some samples collected from the stockpiles were partly spotted with malachite, a common alteration product of copper-bearing minerals5. 

Bowers showing is found in the same geological context as the Goldspring Mine lying 1km more to the south. Initial exploration activities are prior to 1866 and consisted in pits and trenches. An additional pit was excavated in 1902 and reached 15 m in depth. Mineralisation consists of copper bearing, quartz-calcite veinlets. A grab sample of 8.8 g/t Au is also mentioned in historical report4 Latest exploration activities were performed in the eighties by International Thunderwood Explorations Ltd and consisted in geological mapping, rock sampling and soil sampling6.

The Memphremagog Mine is situated in the Potton Township and was sporadically mined for copper and zinc from 1888 to 1924. Reported production mentions 1000 tons of ore at 3.0% Cu1 The deposit consists of a mineralized lenses that are defined over 600 m of length by 2 to 15 m in width and reach 100 m in depth. The site was explored in the eighties and nineties by Rio Algom and Ressources Minières Coleraine and included short drilling campaigns that followed the Mn-rich marker horizon. Intersections of 1,38% Cu, 2.22% Zn, 0.4% Pb and 14.5 g/t Ag over 0.60 m and 1.21% Zn, 0.35% Cu, 0.21% Pb and 6.4 g/t Ag over 0.55 m were reported2.

Finally, the Claim Labonté gold occurrence is situated in the Tingwick Township. A grab sample weighing 187 g, collected from a small pit had a reported value of 301.13 g/t Au7. It is described as a quartz vein with scattered pyrite grains hosted in a massive quartzite (Caldwell Group). 

The Memphremagog Mine is a volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit at the contact of the St-Daniel complex and the Bolton volcanics. On the other hand, the Shefford, Logan and Goldspring Mines belong to a copper-silver-gold-titane-iron belt related to alkaline volcanic rocks and their associated sediments (Oak Hill Group).

Terms of the deal are a total of three million (3,000,000) Class A subordinate voting shares of the company, one million five hundred thousand (1,500,000) Class A subordinate voting shares payable to Ana Laura Lopez Pineda and one million five hundred thousand (1,500,000) Class A subordinate voting shares payable to Boivin Explorations Ltd, on approvals and which will have a four month 1 day hold period from issuance.

Ana Laura Lopez Pineda has been appointed an interim Director and Corporate Secretary, and as director of the company, and, as such, the acquisition is a related party transaction within the meaning of Multilateral Instrument 61-101, Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions. The acquisition is exempt from the valuation requirement of MI 61-101 by virtue of the exemption contained in Section 5.5(b) of MI 61-101 as the company's Class A subordinate voting shares are not listed on a specified market and from the minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 by virtue of the exemption contained in Section 5.7(a) of MI 61-101 in that the fair market value of the consideration to be issued pursuant to the acquisition will not exceed 25 per cent of the company's market capitalization.


Ana Laura Lopez Pineda stated “Copper is an important mineral in the expansion of electric vehicles and the required infrastructure and an important source of copper are the sediment-hosted copper systems and volcanogenic massive sulphide such as some of the newly acquired deposits."



1. Lavergne, C., 1985. Gites minéraux à tonnage évalué et production minérale du Québec. MRN; DV 85-08, 85p.

2. Jourdain, V., Duplessis, D., Goettel, T., 1993. Campagne de cartographie 1993, propriété Potton. Ressources minières Coleraine inc, GM 52654, 98p.

3.     Way, H. G., 1955. Report Covering Property Located in Shefford District. Shefford Copper Mines Ltd, Laurentide Chibougamau Mines, GM 03152-A, 10p.

4. Bancroft, J. A., 1916. Rapport sur les gisements de cuivre des cantons de l'est de la province de Québec. AP1916-01, 267p.

5. Gauthier, M., 1986. Synthèse métallogénique de l'Estrie et de la Beauce (secteur centre-ouest), annexe no 1: fiches descriptives des gites métallifères repères sur le terrain en 1985. UQAM; MB 86-47, 145p.

6.     Hinzer, J. B., 1987. Geological Report, Melbourne Property. Internat Thunderwood Expls ltd,  GM 45788, 27p.

7. Grenier, P. E., 1955. Rapport d’inspection. Claims Labonté; GM 03368, 4p.

Images from introduction of 1955 Way, H.G.   GM03152-A Report